Reporting Guide for Addressing Issues of Concern and/or Filing Complaints at Cal Poly Humboldt University

Please select the appropriate tab (above) to access "Concerns & Action" guides which will provide you with information and forms to report issues and complaints. You may also choose the "Quick Access" tab to for a dropdown list the most frequently used reporting forms. 

Cal Poly Humboldt is dedicated to fostering a culture of respect and professionalism in all aspects of work, residence, and education. It's important that anyone who has experienced an incident of unprofessional conduct, microaggressions, acts of intolerance, and any other disruptive or abusive behavior by a member of the Cal Poly Humboldt community has the opportunity to report it.

Direct communication with whomever you are experiencing conflict is the first recommended course of action when trying to resolve issues.  We realize this is not always possible and thus, the reporting options on this website provide an opportunity to share important information with Cal Poly Humboldt. Open communication and feedback from campus community members play pivotal roles in the continuous improvement of any educational system.

Prior to submitting a complaint form, we encourage individuals to consider connecting with the Humboldt Ombuds Office. They offer a confidential place to discuss problems or issues within the University, talk things through, and identify options for addressing concerns and mediating conflict. More information about their services and how confidentiality is handled can be found here.

How to use the Reporting Website:

Select your category group from the tab above. When you open that page, you will see a dropdown menu of issues and can click on the complaint type or issue. Each option will reveal more information on how to address the matter and links to reporting forms. 

This is an internal system, with controls in place to *protect confidentiality to the extent allowable." All reports are processed within 1-2 days of being submitted. If an individual submits a report that needs to be routed to another office, the person who submitted the report will be notified. 

Additional information about University policies are linked directly in the Concerns and Actions Guides. Individuals submitting a report can expect their complaint to be dealt with promptly and fairly and in accordance with the appropriate procedure.

Creating a platform for submitting complaints allows voices to be heard and is crucial for promoting a culture of integrity, as we work towards sustaining a secure and encouraging campus atmosphere. What you are experiencing matters and all reports will be entered into a secure case management system to ensure repeated behaviors that are harmful and offensive can be documented and addressed. 

Tips for submitting a report:

While anonymous reports are accepted; they may not be fully investigated

  • Provide the first and last names of all the parties involved; SIDs and emails, if you know them
  • The date, time and location is extremely important for incidents that must be reported as a crime. A dropdown option will be available on most forms.
  • Be as detailed as possible, and include:
    • Any significant and direct quotes from involved parties
    • Any additional documentation such as emails, texts, messages, etc. PDFs can be attached to the reporting form
    • Any consequences that have impacted you as a result of the situation you are reporting
    • Any remedies you are seeking
  • IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  Students have a right to access their educational records, and these reports are a part of those records. As such, all reports are not confidential.

    If you believe there is an immediate or ongoing threat to the safety of an individual or campus community - including concerns about suicide or suicide ideation - contact emergency services (9-1-1).

    Complaint Process Coordinator

    If you are unsure of which form to select or where to start, please reach out to the Complaint Process Coordinator for assistance:

    Pam Kirschner
    Siemens Hall 211

    Ombuds Office

    Humboldt Ombuds is a free service, available to Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty, and staff. They offer a safe place to discuss problems or issues within the University and can help identify options for addressing specific concerns and resolving conflicts. Ombuds treat all inquiries as confidential (except as required by law or where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm). They do not take a side in disputes. Overall, Ombuds are advocates for fairness and equity.

    Policy Information

    Cal Poly Humboldt and the CSU System policies can be searched and read in full at the following policy catalogs: